There are so many ways that horses can touch the hearts of those that spend time with them, and there are numerous sayings about the freedom of spirit that you can feel when you look into the eyes of a horse, touch a horse and take a breath. We have witnessed many of those magical moments and feel just as emotional and humbled by them every time.
" It is the horse’s gift to connect us with Heaven and our own footsteps." (Ronni Sweet).
Really connecting, even with the simplest things, can help us reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. How often in the day are you actually 'present' and 'in the moment'? To hazard a guess, I'd say not very often.
The modern world is fast paced and hectic, we have so many responsibilities and obligations, expectations and deadlines, worries and commitments - where is the space for us to 'be'. What if you were honestly to ask yourself, "when was the last time I took a breath, a real, deep breath" and when was the last time you became aware of what was touching your senses in a given moment?
There are many different avenues that are 'therapeutic' in nature, but coming together with the soul of a horse, working alongside these amazing, beautiful creatures strips away the outer shell, the mask. They have a way of getting to the root of where you are, just by looking you in the eye, just by breathing with you, just by living in the moment.
There are two ways in which you can choose to engage with the horses here. You can have a programme that includes equine facilitated learning and emotional coaching that is tailored to you; or you can book onto one of the programmes that we have written through our years of experience of working with the horses and people that are struggling with their well being.